We are a non-profit community sailing club in Berkeley, California, and have a J/80 in our fleet. As a primarily instructional club, we go through sails quickly. We are looking for donations of old sales from the fleet. We are a registered 501(c)(3) so the donation would be tax deductible, and you get to decide the value (we can). It can be a good way to get some money back on old, tired sails. We are in need of all sails (mains, jibs, spinnakers). Contact: Ryan & Shreyas, Third Vice Commodores, Cal Sailing Club, [email protected] J/80’s Wanted - have several buyers looking for boats, prefer boats in race ready condition, but any condition will be considered. Contact Peter at [email protected]
I fix and optimize 80's. Current owner of World Champion, prepped 10 of the top 20 boats at the 2022 Worlds. Call for estimates.
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