Sponsor the 2016 J/80 North American Championship

Marketing Demographics
J/Boats marketing/ promo info:
an idea of our demographics and "reach" around the world.
Google Analytics- jboats.com- 53,000 unique visitors monthly & 157,046 page views. Mostly Europe and USA.
J/Newsletter- published weekly- worldwide circulation is 13,000 direct and 165,000+ indirect (monthly) through J/Dealers email lists (60+ dealers worldwide).
J/Boats built by largest classes:
J/24- 5,700
J/22 - 1,800
J/80 - 1,600
J/70- 950
J/105- 850
J/109- 350
J/35- 300
J/30- 350
Total- 11,750 boats
With SAIL magazine (165,000 circ)- we've done several survey/ demographic research studies. In short, more than 100,000 people sail our boats each year (skippers, crews, friends, cruising, beer-can sailing, etc). With the advent of the J/70 "sailing leagues", that number will jump much higher.
Sailing schools alone account for over 500,000 "new" sailors who have learned on J/22s, J/24s and J/80s around the world for the past 30 years. They are a great source for "sales" since they're easily influenced by their "teachers".
J/Boats page- 47,000 "Likes" with 10% interaction daily (extremely high vs average). Average "Friends" per Member- 400+, or about 14,000,000 potential views monthly (or more often).
Facebook Class pages include:
J/22 page- 1,420 likes
J/70 page- 2,400 likes
J/24 page- 2,270 likes
J/80 page- 2,400 likes
J/88 page- 190 likes
J/105 page- 580 likes
J/111 page- 130 likes
The total is approx. 9,390. Average "Friends" about same as JBoats page- so 3,750,00 potential views monthly.
JBoats_News- 1,593 followers (average friends following - 450 & about 2 dozen followers are in the 10,000 to 60,000 range). Total about 1,000,000 followers see Twitter "stream".
Use the power of competitive yacht racing to increase your marketing efforts
A unique opportunity to:
• Partner with the world’s premier international one design sport boat class
• Access direct marketing and premier onsite branding and promotional space at the regatta venue
• Enjoy media coverage around the world: print, broadcast & digital, visually powerful online branding
• Access a global audience of thousands of people including many of the world’s top professional sailors, business owners and senior managers
• Entertain key clients and prospective clients in a prestigious and unique setting including : opening ceremonies, event hospitality, post race social events, dinners, & closing ceremonies
Why Sailing?
• Classic sport with upscale image and authentic values
• Family participation
• Environmentally friendly with commitment
to the oceans
• Team sport that promotes camaraderie and competition
• Ideal for team building and problem solving
• Global appeal with more than a dozen
nations competing
• Growing sport that encourages younger generations to participate
• More than 10 million sailors worldwide
The Basics:
• World Class Event Location – National Yacht Club www.thenyc.com
• Full day preparation, clinic and practice August 4th, 2016
• Three days of racing August 5th – 7th, 2016
• Online branding opportunities
• Onsite and on the boat branding opportunities
• Hospitality on spectator boats and evening events
• Media team to amplify your brand as a sponsor and maximize your exposure
Demographics (Sailing Sport Industry Data)
• Medium Age: 46 - 78% Aged 25-54
• 25% company owners
• 36% professionals or in senior management
• 93% homeowners - 36.9% own 2+ homes
• 64% own multiple boats
• 77% married
• 72% have two to four children per household
• 45% earn in excess of $120,000 per year
• 83% college degree - 40% post graduate
• Over 69 million people participate in recreational boating; more than 10 million sailors
• Over 285,000 sailboats are registered in the US; over 12,000 manufactured each year
Therefore Your Brand Will
• Align with established borrowed equity of these sports properties
• Interact with a target audience in an active, entertaining and informative way
• Associate with a sport that represents achievement, tradition, excitement, strategy, teamwork & competition
Guaranteed Media:
• Media partnerships include Sailing Anarchy (largest global sailing media outlet)- More than 100,000 Facebook fans, 30,000 Twitter followers
• Jboat News, j80.org and J80.ca website and network worldwide
• 2016 J/80 North Americans Championship Event website and Facebook
• Consistent outreach to worldwide media – sailing, sports, lifestyle, travel
Media Exposure:
PRESS COVERAGE (partial list)
Sailing Anarchy 150,000
Sailing Anarchy FB 109,000
Sailing World 50,000
Scuttlebutt 30,000
North Sails – OD 45,000
Hospitality Unlimited!
• Your brand integrated into a major international yachting event and the largest One Design regatta in Canada in 2016
• A marquee entertainment opportunity to reward clients and develop new sales
• Turnkey options to invite clientele aboard your own spectator yacht to view the racing and enjoy the after-party
• A platform with relevant new clients in tact, and a chance to build out to a greater audience
• An event team that will help you meet your objectives
Proposed J/80 North American Championship Sponsorship Opportunities
Promote your brand to our well-heeled attendees! Choose from one of the following event packages or contact us to discuss a custom sponsorship package.
Title Sponsor - $10,000 - 1 Available
- Maximum brand exposure within the World Wide J boat sailing and Toronto waterfront community.
- Customized branding with title rights
- Invitation for 6 guests to all Regatta events.
- Custom logo boat number decals on all competitor boats.
- Two full pages in the event program.
- Logo on regatta trophies.
- Email broadcast to all past race competitors & current NYC members announce title sponsorship including information about your company and link to your company website.
- One of three racing days named after your brand.
- Company banner displayed on the Race Committee boat (prime photo opportunity & all competitors will see it). Banner supplied by the event.
- Company banner displayed in prime position on yacht club grounds.
- Announcement of company name at skipper’s meetings and awards presentations.
- Promotion in social media posts weekly on the Event Facebook Page up to and for 1 month after the event.
- Logo inclusion on scrolling sailing results, displayed on two large screen monitors during the regatta.
- Priority placement of company logo on event websites, communications to competitors and yacht clubs throughout global fleet association members, event documents and signage.
- Logo inclusion on scrolling sailing results, displayed on two large screen monitors during the regatta.
- Opportunity to have a display booth on-site during the regatta.
- Opportunity to provide promotional material, product samples, coupons, etc., to sailors.
Sponsor hospitality - unique opportunity for your company to offer internal or client hospitality on Saturday August .
- Spectator Boat: 6 passes for the VIP spectator boat to watch the racing
- Lunch: 6 lunches provided on spectator boat while watching the racing
- Dinner: 6 dinner tickets
- Parking: 3 parking passes for on-site parking
Gold Sponsors – $5,000 - 3 Available (including 1 sail loft sponsor)
- Invitation for 2 guests to all Regatta events
- One full page in the event program
- Maximum brand exposure within the World Wide J boat sailing and Toronto waterfront community.
- One of three competition days named after your company.
- Company banner displayed on the Race Committee boat (prime photo opportunity & all competitors will see it). Banner supplied by the event.
- Company banner displayed in prime position on yacht club grounds.
- Announcement of company name at skipper’s meetings and awards presentations.
- 1 full page promotion in the event program.
- Promotion in social media posts weekly on the J80 NA Facebook Page up to and for 1 month after the event.
- Logo inclusion on scrolling sailing results, displayed on two large screen monitors during the regatta.
- Priority placement of company logo on event websites, communications to competitors and yacht clubs throughout Lake Ontario, event documents and signage.
- Logo inclusion on scrolling sailing results, displayed on two large screen monitors during the regatta.
- Opportunity to have a display booth on-site during the regatta.
- Opportunity to provide promotional material, product samples, coupons, etc., to sailors.
Sponsor hospitality - unique opportunity for your company to offer internal or client hospitality on Saturday June 13.
- Spectator Boat: 3 passes for the VIP spectator boat to watch the racing
- Lunch: 3 lunches provided on spectator boat while watching the racing
- Dinner: 3 dinner tickets
- Parking: 2 parking passes for on-site parking
Silver Sponsor - $2,500
- Full media coverage in printed, online and social media promotions.
- Inclusion in the Regatta program distributed to all competitors.
- Recognition as a major sponsor with naming rights on an entertainment or dining activity.
- Recognition as a major sponsor at all regatta ceremonies and announcements.
- Opportunity to have a display booth on-site during the regatta.
- Opportunity to provide promotional material, product samples, coupons, etc., to sailors.
Bronze Sponsor - $1,000
- Full media coverage in printed, online and social media promotions.
- Inclusion in the Regatta program distributed to all competitors.
- Opportunity to provide promotional material, product samples, coupons, etc., to sailors.
Contributing Sponsor - $500
- Inclusion of logo in online and social media material.
- Opportunity to provide promotional or specialty items in skippers bags.
Gifts-In-Kind Sponsorship
- Opportunity to provide promotional and specialty items of your choice for inclusion in the skipper’s registration bag.
- Your logo and item will be promoted on Regatta event information in printed, online and social media communications to all competitors.
Download and complete the attached document to submit your sponsorship contribution c/- National Yacht Club

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